🖥️ Ionic app programming

App development with Ionic is an innovative method for creating cross-platform mobile apps. The Ionic Framework enables the development of powerful, native-like apps with HTML, CSS and Typescript / Javascript. This approach is particularly advantageous for companies that want to extend their reach to different operating systems such as iOS and Android without having to maintain separate code bases.

👉 App development with the Ionic Framework: For iOS and Android apps

Cross-platform compatibility

Ionic enables the development of apps that work seamlessly on different platforms such as iOS, Android and the web without having to develop separate code for each platform. This saves time and resources.

Use of web technologies (Angular)

Ionic is based on well-known web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript / Typescript. By integrating Angular into Ionic, our customers also enjoy the benefits of Angular. This brings structure and efficiency to the development process right from the start.

Prefabricated UI components and plugins

Ionic offers a wide range of ready-made UI components and plugins. These components are both visually appealing and functional, which improves the user experience and speeds up development. In addition, the integration of plugins facilitates access to device functions and extended capabilities, which increases the functionality of the apps.

App development with Ionic from a professional


With us, you will be guided through the entire app development process to ensure that your specific needs and requirements are met. This initially involves a detailed analysis of the project objectives, target group and desired functionalities.

Cross-platform development

As a rule, both an Ios and an Android are required by the customer. Our agile development process therefore takes place in close cooperation with the customer to ensure efficient and flexible project implementation.

Maintenance of apps

Once your app has been successfully developed, we also provide comprehensive maintenance and support services to ensure that your app functions smoothly.

🌐 We develop individual app solutions

Mobile apps (iOS and Android)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Desktop applications (with Electron)

E-commerce apps



👨🏼‍💻 Our app development process


Get an overview

Everyone thinks differently. Therefore, it is very important for us to understand your request with all related requirements before we take the next step. Classic question-and-answer-game.

Methodology & Technology:

Professional interview


Research & Planning

We then research the current state of affairs and begin a detailed requirement analysis and IT architecture planning as a basis for preparing the offer.

Methodology & Technology:

Software Engineering
User Stories


Design & Prototyping

After you have been convinced by our offer, we usually start (in regular exchange with you) with the creation of a design concept as well as a clickable prototype.

Methodology & Technology:

Wireframes & Design



Now comes our favorite part. After approving the design and choosing the technologies to be used, we get to work on the implementation and develop your product iteratively.

Methodology & Technology:



Testing & Bugfixing

Before we let real users loose on the application, we go hunting for bugs and fix them right away. If desired, we also perform stress and performance tests.

Methodology & Technology:

DAU test


Out into the wide world!

The release day is probably your favorite part. We make the application available to real users and take over the care and maintenance of the product directly afterwards.

Methodology & Technology:

App stores
Logging & Monitoring

Du möchtest mit uns zusammenarbeiten?

🛠️ Verwendete Technologien

Mobil und Plattformübergreifend
Cloud- Dienste
Künstliche Intelligenz

Your idea is our project.
And then – We make IT happen!

Design & Coding

🤝 Industries with which we
work together

Du möchtest mit uns zusammenarbeiten?


Ionic is an open source framework for the development of cross-platform mobile and web applications with a single code base. It enables developers to create mobile applications for iOS and Android as well as Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) using web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

The framework provides an extensive collection of UI components that adapt to the platform the application is running on, meaning that applications developed with Ionic can mimic the look and feel of native applications on different devices.

Ionic will remain an important framework for the development of mobile apps in 2024, primarily due to its ability to create cross-platform applications with a single code base. This makes it an attractive option for developers who want to develop iOS, Android and web applications simultaneously without having to write the code for each platform separately.

Yes, with the help of Cordova or Capacitor, two projects that make it possible to integrate native APIs and functionalities into Ionic apps, developers can access device functions such as camera, GPS, accelerometer, etc.

To publish an Ionic app in app stores, you must build the app for the respective platforms (iOS and Android), set up the necessary certificates and identifiers and upload the built app via the Apple App Store Connect or Google Play Console.

Cordova and Capacitor are both cross-platform bridges that enable access to native device functions. Cordova is older and more established, while Capacitor is a newer alternative from the makers of Ionic that offers a more modern API, better tooling support and tighter integration with modern web frameworks.

Ionic apps can be tested in several ways: By running in the browser during development, by using emulators for iOS and Android, or by testing directly on real devices by building the app and installing it on a device.

Testability and quality assurance are crucial aspects of app development to ensure that your app works flawlessly and provides a high level of user satisfaction. Angular provides built-in support for unit testing and end-to-end (E2E) testing, enabling developers to test their applications effectively. Two popular tools used in the Angular development community for testing are Jest for unit testing and Cypress for E2E testing:

Jest: Jest is a powerful and fast JavaScript test framework that is often used for unit tests. It offers a comprehensive API for asserting test results and comes with integrated test coverage.

Cypress: Cypress is an advanced end-to-end testing tool designed specifically for modern web applications. It allows you to test the behavior of your application in a real browser as if a real user were interacting with your application.

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