🖥️Webanwendungen with Vue.js

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework designed for the creation of user interfaces and single-page applications. It is characterized by its simple integration into existing projects and its ability to be implemented step by step.

🌟 Vue.js: Reactivity, elegance and flexibility for modern web development

Cross-platform consistency

Vue.js enables the development of web apps that work consistently across all browsers and devices with a single code base. This leads to considerable savings in time and resources, as it is not necessary to develop individually for each platform or browser.

Use of modern web technologies

Vue.js uses modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create reactive and composable user interfaces. The clear separation between logic and display and its reactive data binding simplify the development process and increase efficiency.

Rich ecosystem

Vue.js' rich ecosystem allows developers to implement advanced features and customizations with minimal effort, simplifying and accelerating the development of complex applications.

🌟 Development with Vue.js from a professional

Consulting and conception

Our team of experts will accompany you from the initial idea to the finished product. We work with you to analyze the project objectives, your target group and the desired functionalities in order to develop a tailor-made solution that is precisely tailored to your needs.

Reactive web app development

We rely on an agile development process in close coordination with you to realize a fast, responsive and user-friendly web app that works flawlessly on both desktop and mobile devices.

Maintenance and optimization

Even after the launch of your web app, we are at your side with maintenance and support services. From performance optimizations to regular updates – we ensure that your application always runs smoothly and remains technically up to date.

🌐 Individual solutions with Vue.js

Single-page applications

Progressive Web Apps

E-commerce platforms

Company portals and platforms

Custom widgets and integrations

Dashboards and data visualizations

👨🏼‍💻 Our app development process


Get an overview

Everyone thinks differently. Therefore, it is very important for us to understand your request with all related requirements before we take the next step. Classic question-and-answer-game.

Methodology & Technology:

Professional interview


Research & Planning

We then research the current state of affairs and begin a detailed requirement analysis and IT architecture planning as a basis for preparing the offer.

Methodology & Technology:

Software Engineering
User Stories


Design & Prototyping

After you have been convinced by our offer, we usually start (in regular exchange with you) with the creation of a design concept as well as a clickable prototype.

Methodology & Technology:

Wireframes & Design



Now comes our favorite part. After approving the design and choosing the technologies to be used, we get to work on the implementation and develop your product iteratively.

Methodology & Technology:



Testing & Bugfixing

Before we let real users loose on the application, we go hunting for bugs and fix them right away. If desired, we also perform stress and performance tests.

Methodology & Technology:

DAU test


Out into the wide world!

The release day is probably your favorite part. We make the application available to real users and take over the care and maintenance of the product directly afterwards.

Methodology & Technology:

App stores
Logging & Monitoring

Du möchtest mit uns zusammenarbeiten?

🛠️ Verwendete Technologien

Mobil und Plattformübergreifend
Cloud- Dienste
Künstliche Intelligenz

Your idea is our project.
And then – We make IT happen!

Design & Coding

🤝 Industries with which we
work together

Du möchtest mit uns zusammenarbeiten?


Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that is mainly used for building user interfaces and single-page applications (SPAs). It is characterized by its easy integration into projects and its ability to be introduced step by step.

As a progressive framework, Vue.js allows developers to gradually introduce it into their projects. This means that you can start with a minimal Vue.js instance and add further functions and libraries as required.

Vue.js is known for its simple learning curve and easy integration. Compared to React, Vue offers an official state management solution and routing directly from the core team. Compared to Angular, Vue.js is more lightweight and less opinionated, which gives developers more flexibility when structuring their projects.

Components are reusable Vue instances with their own name, template, script and optional style definitions. They enable the development of reusable and modular parts of the user interface.

Yes, although Vue.js is primarily designed for web applications, it can also be used for mobile app development in conjunction with frameworks such as NativeScript or Vue Native. In most cases, however, we fall back on Angular.

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Then get in touch with us!

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