🖥️ Angular app development

Angular is one of the leading web application frameworks for the development of modern web applications. The framework provides a robust basis for the development of lightweight, scalable and interactive web apps. Our team of Angular experts supports you in the planning and conception of the idea or finding the solution to the problem, right through to the implementation and final integration of the web application.

👉 The Angular Framework in modern web development

Flexible scalability

Angular is particularly suitable for projects that are constantly growing and scaling over time. The modular structure makes it possible to expand, add or remove functions and components as required. This facilitates the long-term maintenance and expansion of projects, which is a decisive advantage for our customers.

Applications with high performance

Angular enables the development of robust and powerful applications. Thanks to the efficient architecture structure, the integrated features and the use of modern technologies such as TypeScript, responsive and robust applications can be developed. This improves the user experience and customer satisfaction, which can be particularly crucial for complex enterprise applications.

Time- and cost-efficient development

Angular uses the concept of reusable components, which saves a considerable amount of time. This reduces the need to program similar features repeatedly and enables faster development. Thanks to the loose coupling and reusability, new customer requirements can be addressed more flexibly.

Angular web applications from a professional


Before developing the application, it is crucial to first precisely define and understand the project requirements. It is important to define a clear structure for the project.

Web development

Our agile development process takes place in close cooperation with the customer to ensure efficient and flexible project implementation.

Maintenance of applications

Following the successful development of the Angular application, we also offer comprehensive maintenance and support services to ensure that your application always runs smoothly and remains up to date.

🌐 We develop individual web solutions

Saas applications

Progressive Web Apps


CRM & ERP systems



👨🏼‍💻 Our development process for web applications


Get an overview

Everyone thinks differently. Therefore, it is very important for us to understand your request with all related requirements before we take the next step. Classic question-and-answer-game.

Methodology & Technology:

Professional interview


Research & Planning

We then research the current state of affairs and begin a detailed requirement analysis and IT architecture planning as a basis for preparing the offer.

Methodology & Technology:

Software Engineering
User Stories


Design & Prototyping

After you have been convinced by our offer, we usually start (in regular exchange with you) with the creation of a design concept as well as a clickable prototype.

Methodology & Technology:

Wireframes & Design



Now comes our favorite part. After approving the design and choosing the technologies to be used, we get to work on the implementation and develop your product iteratively.

Methodology & Technology:



Testing & Bugfixing

Before we let real users loose on the application, we go hunting for bugs and fix them right away. If desired, we also perform stress and performance tests.

Methodology & Technology:

DAU test


Out into the wide world!

The release day is probably your favorite part. We make the application available to real users and take over the care and maintenance of the product directly afterwards.

Methodology & Technology:

App stores
Logging & Monitoring

Du möchtest mit uns zusammenarbeiten?

🛠️ Verwendete Technologien

Mobil und Plattformübergreifend
Cloud- Dienste
Künstliche Intelligenz

Your idea is our project.
And then – We make IT happen!

Design & Coding

🤝 Industries with which we
work together

Du möchtest mit uns zusammenarbeiten?


Angular is a free open source platform for the development of dynamic and responsive web applications. It offers a component-based framework, many libraries and a range of developer tools for developing, testing and updating the code.

Angular is developed and supported by companies such as Google, which gives the framework a solid foundation and ensures continuous updates and improvements. This continued support suggests that Angular will remain relevant in the future. Angular also has a large and active developer community. This means a wealth of resources, tutorials, third-party tools and libraries that facilitate development with Angular.

When developing Angular applications, various design libraries can be used to facilitate the styling and layout of the application. Two of the most popular options are Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap, both of which can be easily integrated into Angular projects:

Tailwind CSS: Tailwind is a mobile-first CSS library that makes it possible to use prefabricated stylings by setting corresponding CSS classes in HTML.

Bootstrap: Bootstrap is an extensive UI library that offers a variety of ready-made CSS classes and JavaScript plugins for designing responsive applications.

Testability and quality assurance are crucial aspects of web application development to ensure that your app works flawlessly and provides a high level of user satisfaction. Angular provides built-in support for unit testing and end-to-end (E2E) testing, enabling developers to test their applications effectively. Two popular tools used in the Angular development community for testing are Jest for unit testing and Cypress for E2E testing:

Jest: Jest is a powerful and fast JavaScript test framework that is often used for unit tests. It offers a comprehensive API for asserting test results and comes with integrated test coverage.

Cypress: Cypress is an advanced end-to-end testing tool designed specifically for modern web applications. It allows you to test the behavior of your application in a real browser as if a real user were interacting with your application.