🖥️ Backend development with Nest.js

Nest.js is a progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications. It uses state-of-the-art JavaScript technologies and supports TypeScript out of the box to offer developers an integrated solution that combines high flexibility with strict typing. Nest.js is ideal for building robust, maintainable and testable systems that are perfect for microservices, REST APIs and complex, high-throughput applications.

🚀 Development with Nest.js: structure, productivity and efficiency

Modular architecture

Nest.js promotes a modular architecture that uses the principle of separation of concerns to simplify development and improve maintainability. By using modules, services and controllers, Nest.js enables a clean organizational structure, which simplifies teamwork and the reusability of code.

Modern TypeScript framework

By using TypeScript, Nest.js offers a development environment that is strictly typed and highly modern. This type safety leads to a reduction in runtime errors and improves the developer experience through features such as autocompletion and advanced refactoring techniques.

Mature ecosystem

Nest.js builds on the rich ecosystem of Node.js and extends it with additional abstractions and tools for server application development. With the integration of external libraries and middleware, which is made possible by the robust package management with npm, Nest.js leaves nothing to be desired.

🌟 Nest.js from a professional


Our experts offer customized consulting aimed at understanding your needs in the context of modern backend development. We analyze your requirements in detail in order to make optimum use of the possibilities of Nest.js and design a solution that is not only performant but also future-proof.

Backend and API development

With Nest.js, we create structured and efficient backends and APIs that are designed for complex applications. Our development benefits from the strongly typed features of TypeScript and the modular structure of Nest.js to create fast, scalable and maintainable systems that grow with your business.

Maintenance and expansion

Even after the launch of your Nest.js application, we are at your side to maintain its performance through regular updates and the implementation of new features. Our aim is to keep your application at the forefront of technological development.

🛠️ With Nest.js, we are setting new standards for modern application systems


Microservices architectures

Interactive real-time systems

Server-side applications

IoT solutions

High-performance streaming services

👨🏼‍💻 Our app development process


Get an overview

Everyone thinks differently. Therefore, it is very important for us to understand your request with all related requirements before we take the next step. Classic question-and-answer-game.

Methodology & Technology:

Professional interview


Research & Planning

We then research the current state of affairs and begin a detailed requirement analysis and IT architecture planning as a basis for preparing the offer.

Methodology & Technology:

Software Engineering
User Stories


Design & Prototyping

After you have been convinced by our offer, we usually start (in regular exchange with you) with the creation of a design concept as well as a clickable prototype.

Methodology & Technology:

Wireframes & Design



Now comes our favorite part. After approving the design and choosing the technologies to be used, we get to work on the implementation and develop your product iteratively.

Methodology & Technology:



Testing & Bugfixing

Before we let real users loose on the application, we go hunting for bugs and fix them right away. If desired, we also perform stress and performance tests.

Methodology & Technology:

DAU test


Out into the wide world!

The release day is probably your favorite part. We make the application available to real users and take over the care and maintenance of the product directly afterwards.

Methodology & Technology:

App stores
Logging & Monitoring

Du möchtest mit uns zusammenarbeiten?

🛠️ Verwendete Technologien

Mobil und Plattformübergreifend
Cloud- Dienste
Künstliche Intelligenz

Your idea is our project.
And then – We make IT happen!

Design & Coding

🤝 Industries with which we
work together

Du möchtest mit uns zusammenarbeiten?


Nest.js offers a modular structure that makes it easy to develop and maintain microservices. With its integrated support for various microservice transport mechanisms, services can communicate efficiently with each other, which is essential for the creation of scalable and independently deployable microservices.

Yes, Nest.js is compatible with the Node.js platform, which facilitates the migration of existing Node.js applications. You can also reuse existing Node.js code within a Nest.js application, as Nest.js is based on Express.js and is therefore compatible with most Express middleware modules.

Nest.js places great emphasis on security and provides a number of mechanisms to avoid common security problems. This includes technologies such as automatic validation of input data, integrated support for CSRF protection and CORS management, as well as the option of defining your own security filters and guards.

Nest.js is designed for performance and efficiency. It uses asynchronous operations and the powerful V8 JavaScript engine that underpins Node.js, resulting in fast execution times. In addition, developers can further improve performance aspects by optimizing their own services and modules.

👋 Interested?
Then get in touch with us!

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