🤝We are the 42er.

Maybe we are not yet 42 people, but we bring at least as many special features. Whether lateral entrants, language geniuses, globetrotters, nerds or freethinkers – we are colorful, we are talented, we are a team!

🔎 The faces behind 42.

We promised you a team of generalists and here it is. They may not have the answer to everything, but they have at least 42 proposed solutions.

Chris Web designer and chief of scripting


I am Chris and responsible for the implementation of our web projects. My passions are not only in technology, but also in traveling and videography.

Patrick Head of Angular and New Stuff


Hi, I am a developer focused on responsive and user-friendly web applications. With my experience and passion, I want to make the world a better place.

Christian A. Frontend Guru and Fastlearner


Hey, I’m Chris and I’m responsible for the frontend development. Our exciting projects give me the opportunity to give free rein to my creativity and enthusiasm for code.

Sascha Walking Backend Wiki


I’m Sascha and I’m in the depths of backend development. I also like to venture out and explore new topics, e.g. as a webshop administrator or translator.

Daniela Grand master of surfaces


Hi, I’m Dani and I’m the creative soul at 42. From conception, prototyping to designing our applications – this is where I’m in my element.

Anja Brand Builder and Talent Scout

PR/Social Media

I’m Anja and I take care of seeing and being seen for Brand 42 on social media. Also, I am always looking for new crew members.

Arthur Web design and SEO enthusiast


I’m Arthur and I support Chris with our web projects. I also make sure that you can find us via search engines (SEO). My motto: I prefer metatags to metaverse.

Christian J. CEO, CFO and Sales Engine


Servus, I’m Chris and one of the founders of 42. Besides programming, I’m on fire for sales and am always on the lookout for exciting projects and new partners.

Johannes CEO, CTO and digital architect

IT Architect

Hi, I’m Hannes and one of the founders of 42. Besides organization, planning and fullstack development, I’m passionate about technological trends, rhetoric and all kinds of music.

One, two, three, YOU come to me…

What it takes to be a good 42er?

We wondered what our perfect team member would look like and THESE are the results. These are the values we exemplify as 42er and believe will send our karma account through the roof.

Like the earth is circling the sun,
we revolve around our customers.

We don’t produce anything, we don’t manufacture anything, but we create added value for our customers. You are the center of attention and we focus on your wishes without promising the impossible. Happy client, happy life!

Do good work.
Create value.

We are good at what we do, and customers see that every day in the software we create for them. Our software is reusable-coding and is designed to add value. Sustainability instead of mediocrity.

Without a goal
you cannot score.

We always work towards a common goal. We win games every day. If you can’t see it for the everyday, ring the bell. Ask. If you are not behind it, be critical and courageous.

Failures are part of your job,
but chances to grow, as well.

Error culture and all that. No, seriously…there’s nothing wrong with making mistakes. Everyone makes them. Use it as an opportunity to get better. Help your team to not make the same mistakes.

Please don’t hudel (hurry).

It can be stressful at times, deadlines are looming or the client wanted to finish their project yesterday. But as we say in Bavaria: Bloß ned hudeln! Conscientiousness comes before speed. This saves money, nerves and “we do good work”.

Deine Idee ist unser Projekt.
And then – We make IT happen!

Design & Coding

Deine Idee ist unser Projekt.
And then – We make IT happen!

Design & Coding