Tool platform

An enterprise resource planning system can do many things, but unfortunately not everything. This has also presented Bert's Weinexpress with certain challenges on a day-to-day basis. Together, we identified potential for automating processes and making the customer's enterprise resource planning system a little more powerful. How? By developing our own tool suite that accesses the WaWi's API. As a result, we were able to create an application that maps the highly complex and very individual route plan process involved in delivering wines by truck, eliminating numerous manual and hands-on steps by employees. The product prices of items from the same supplier can now also be changed by a certain amount using a collective command. And that's not the end of the story. We are currently working on mapping the process for the dual system Germany. We developed this highly customized suite using Angular on the frontend and building SQL queries that can access the client's WaWi via a REST API.
Already during his studies, the company founder and native of the Southern Palatinate, Bert Seiter, brought the wines of vintners from his hometown of Edesheim to Regensburg, in order to convey them here to a rapidly growing clientele. Soon, however, he also devoted himself to the import of Portuguese wines and was one of the first to do so in Germany in 1988 - Bert's Weinexpress was founded! Since then, the company's activities have developed dynamically. In direct import Bert's Weinexpress obtains wines from more than 140 wineries from all over Europe as well as from South Africa. In the historic vaulted cellars in the Winzer district of Regensburg, an average of 120,000 bottles of wine are stored, which reach renowned partners in the gastronomy and trade sectors, in Germany and in Europe from here.